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Summerflex Roofing & Construction proudly prioritizes getting your needs met and our job done the right way! We use high-quality, top-rated manufactured materials and will hire only those qualified with experience and stand by our word and our workmanship.

Below, you will find a list of all the warranty options, as well as extended warranties that can be available upon request. Warranties are transferable to newcomers as well.

Logo of Summer Flex Roofing & Construction featuring three white house icons above the company's name in blue and white text. The design highlights their expertise as a premier roofing contractor, specializing in flat roof solutions and attic venting services.
A bearded man in a blue hard hat and blue overalls with the "SUMER FLEX" logo points to himself while smiling and gesturing with his other hand. He appears ready for roof repair work.


1 – 2 years for all residential and commercial repair work; either interior or exterior.
5 – 10 years for all residential roofs; includes re-roofing and new roofing.
5 – 15 years for all commercial flat roofs; includes re-roofing and new roofing.


Manufacturer warranties will vary depending on the type of materials used, but there are 15, 25, 30 and lifetime options.

All labor or manufacturer warranties are transferable.

Please contact us for more information!